Redesigning the landing page for Project Athena, a volunteer group of professionals from various fields collaborating together to develop tools and solutions to SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The Project

Project Athena’s website is the main source of information about the volunteer group, the current website is not designed properly and the layout is unorganized. I volunteered to redesign the website and collaborate with developers and other volunteers to design and develop a better and more organized site.

My Role

I led the Visual Design of this project in August, 2020. I collaborated with a Project Manager, and the web development team to implement the new design. 

Main Tasks

  • Enhance the layout of the home page.

  • Create a responsive & mobile friendly design

  • Update the website with new sections including, Partners, newsletter, and featured news.

  • Provide web developers assistance during the development phase.

Design Tools


Previous Home page

Landing page.png

The Solution

Design system developed to help in the development process.

Design system developed to help in the development process.


Unity App